Become a member of the Boupon platform to sell and EARN income, SPEND your money within your own Community, and SAVE from the reduced prices and deals. As a result, both You and the Black Community will PROSPER!
Become a member of the Boupon platform to sell and EARN income, SPEND your money within your own Community, and SAVE from the reduced prices and deals. As a result, both You and the Black Community will PROSPER!
Affiliates EARN! Affiliates are an important feature of this platform as they engage social media and other forms of communication to promote the services and products offered on the platform to their friends and network. Affiliates earn commissions of up to 15%.
Vendors EARN! To become a vendor on this platform, register as a member and then sign up to become a vendor and start listing your deals and coupons and selling your products and services. Vendors are able to subscribe to a number of vendor support programs after registration.
Boupon is CUSTOMER FOCUSED on bringing VALUE to you our customers. We acknowledge that our customers have a choice in how they SPEND their money and invite you to make that choice on Boupon as a means of supporting Black Owned Businesses which allows you to also SAVE & PROSPER.
As you register as a customer, please consider a donation to Boupon to help us develop our platform and implement our commitment to help you and the Black Community as a whole to SAVE & PROSPER.
Register as a customer or as an affiliate to also earn affiliate income.
Use our email tool to send Google-approved emails to your contacts.
Tell us what products and services you need. Complete a simple spending survey
To sell on Boupon, complete the vendor registration as well.
We are now in the registration phase of our platform launch. We need you to register as a customer or as an affiliate, share Boupon with friends and contacts, complete the spending survey and register as a vendor if you want to sell your products and services on the platform.
We are now in the registration phase of our platform launch. We need you to register as a customer or as an affiliate, share Boupon with friends and contacts, complete the spending survey and register as a vendor if you want to sell your products and services on the platform.
Our platform is supported by the following organizations:
We raise funds to donate e-commerce businesses to disadvantaged Black Youths. These are fully functional online businesses that serve the Black Community in Afro-Caribbean Groceries, Barber Services, Hair Dressing Services and Body Care Products and Services.
We also provide training in managing these businesses.
Church and Community Giving are Important to the Black Community.
Our Main Strategy is focused on serving the Black Community and giving back and there will be significant engagement with the Church and Community Groups in shaping our strategies going forward.
As well, 20% of our shares will be held in a trust to be administered for the benefit of the Black Community.
Boupon Black MarketPlace is currently identifying Church and Community Leaders to sit on our Board to help direct these important strategies. Please contact us for further details.
Church and Community Giving are Important to the Black Community.
Our Main Strategy is focused on serving the Black Community and giving back and there will be significant engagement with the Church and Community Groups in shaping our strategies going forward.
As well, 20% of our shares will be held in a trust to be administered for the benefit of the Black Community.
Boupon Black MarketPlace is currently identifying Church and Community Leaders to sit on our Board to help direct these important strategies. Please contact us for further details.
Contact us for further information. We aim to respond by the following business day.
Participating in the Black MarketPlace is the Way Forward for the Black Community!
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Whatever you are thinking of buying, let our Black Owned Businesses and service providers try to help you first.